
Created Monday 05 November 2012

Ideal stirred state in a control volume.

1 Purpose of Model

This model is applied if the medium properties can be considered to be homogeneous within a control volume of level of detail L2.

2 Physical Insight

This replaceable model is compatible to models of level of detail L2 according to Brunnemann et al. [1].

3 Limits of Validity

4 Interfaces

5 Nomenclature

6 Governing Equations

The inflow and outflow enthalpies equal the specific enthalpy of the control volume, i.e..

The geodetic pressure difference is allocated depending on the parameter position_Delta_p_geo which can be one of "mid" and "inlet". Varying this parameter helps to improve the numerical robustness and simulation speed and helps the simulator's facilities to reduce the DAE index of the system.

7. Remarks for Usage

8 Version History

Backlinks: ClaRa:Components:HeatExchangers:HEXvle2gas L3 1ph BU ntu ClaRa:Components:HeatExchangers:HEXvle2gas L3 1ph BU simple ClaRa:Components:HeatExchangers:HEXvle2vle L3 1ph BU ntu ClaRa:Components:HeatExchangers:HEXvle2vle L3 1ph BU simple ClaRa:Components:HeatExchangers:HEXvle2vle L3 1ph kA ClaRa:Components:HeatExchangers:HEXvle2vle L3 2ph BU ntu ClaRa:Components:HeatExchangers:HEXvle2vle L3 2ph BU simple ClaRa:Components:HeatExchangers:HEXvle2vle L3 2ph CH ntu ClaRa:Components:HeatExchangers:HEXvle2vle L3 2ph CH simple ClaRa:Components:HeatExchangers:HEXvle2vle L3 2ph CU ntu ClaRa:Components:HeatExchangers:HEXvle2vle L3 2ph CU simple ClaRa:Components:HeatExchangers:IdealShell L2 ClaRa:Components:HeatExchangers:PlateHEXvle2vle L3 2ph ntu ClaRa:Components:HeatExchangers:TubeBundle L2 ClaRa:Basics:ControlVolumes:FluidVolumes:VolumeVLE L2